By night a mild mannered pizza boy and college student...but in the morning I AM JOHNNY CAFFIENE.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fresh Air

Personal revival can be compared to the first deep breath in the morning in the midst of cool mountain air, or it can be like gasping for life after breaking the surface of water after nearly drowning. Today was a little more like the latter for me. I had a wonderful experience this morning in a very unusual way. Kristi and I attended the early service at Northside Baptist, and then went out to the beach to Eastgate Christian Fellowship for their second service. The first service was very typical for a pre-4th of July meeting at a traditional southern church. Everyone was red, white and blue-in-the-face (pun intended). They sang songs of America and did the very routine "shout out" to each branch of the armed forces. It's a time honored ritual at many southern churches to do this on all of the American holidays. At the beginning of church we were asked to track down to ye old alter and offer up prayers for those serving abroad in Iraq. None of this has anything to do with the purpose of church, which is to worship God, but I tried to remain humble and graciously partook in said nuances. The sermon was about praying for the state of the nation that it will turn from it's wicked ways. I began to pray for this, but in probably a most different way than most of my fellow christians. I began to pray for peace and more love being shown by our churches, rather than more useless political hurrahs, which is prevalent in pulpits today. But, some things the pastor said about recognizing pride inherent in America, that mimics early Babalyonian and Roman arrogance struck a cord with me. This mesage really needs to be brought up more often, rather than just on the 4th of July.

When we got to Eastgate, we were privy to some really good praise and worship time that I really just don't feel anymore at Northside. Not that I don't feel people at NSB (Northside Baptist) want to experience God.....I just haven't. The main reason for that is I begin to quabble in my own mind about the things I disagree with in the church itself. The message at Eastgate was about "simplifying the gospel". The regular pastor was on hiatus. His brother gave the message. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Because, it was the EXACT conversation I was having with some random Yahoo! Chat guy on the Christian chat room. My main point was that different forms of doctrine must be examined for truth and expelled if they are heretical. But, this is a conversation among christians, not the discussion to bring up when sharing the Gospel. Also, even correct doctrine can be worshipped as more important than the simple truth of Jesus and the love that he showed the world. If you don't ground your doctrine in the light of that truth. It is meaningless. A "clanging symbol". This is the danger inherent in ANY religion. But, even more so in Christianity, with so many differing opinions on scripture.
I pray God make me more like Paul and begin to strife to simplify my spiritual life down to just "one thing" (kind of like Curly's "one thing" in the movie City Slickers) and that is to know only Jesus Christ and him crucified!.....everything else is arbitrary.