By night a mild mannered pizza boy and college student...but in the morning I AM JOHNNY CAFFIENE.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


C'MON PARTY PEOPLE....THROW YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR........well it's almost about a month and a 1/2 till Get Married Day! Kristi and I are about to foam at the mouth and throw pickles at people if the day doesn't get here SOON!!! My dad used to sing a song when I was a kid called "You don't get married in just one afternoon....." AND HE WAS RIGHT! I had no IDEA what all went into planning a wedding. First, there is alot of postage involved....stamps for the invitation, stamps for the RSVPS, stamps for the 3 bridal showers....lingerie, the gimme stuff shower, and her Pier One work is throwing a shower too. Why the hell don't you just put that info in the invitation along with where you are registered. Yeah, it may be tacky but WOW, be tacky! Save Postage! Also, to get married at a Southern Baptist Church (SBC) you gotta go through atleast 4 sessions of pre-martial counseling.

This is the book....For Couples Who Care!------->

(like there are couples who don't care)

This is the Author, John Trent (he does tricks like pull a piece of rope through a funnel to illustrate the narrow path (i.e. narrow is the way....)

Looks a little like someone else I know....... (except with hair)

Anyways, we are "struggling" through each session with patience....or is it longsuffering?

But I have faith in God he will put us in our place. He does that from time to time.......

(For my sister)

Anyways, after Jesus beats us in to submission like Georgie Boy, we hope to become a good ole married couple like my grandparents and my parents. It will take alot of changes on both our parts, but I am hoping to take it like a challenge. Pray for our strength!


Blogger JohnnyCaffeine said...

I'm excited about getting married. I think I will be a good husband and I think Kristi will be a good wife. I have alot to work on, but so does everybody else.

12:18 PM


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