By night a mild mannered pizza boy and college student...but in the morning I AM JOHNNY CAFFIENE.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Jesus Take the Wheel......Just not at Northside Baptist Church!!

Well, just to give everyone a synopsis of my last week or so, I have gone from working 20-30 hrs a week to working 35-40+ hours, and I have 3...count them 3 tests this week AFTER MY SPRING BREAK! (sorry Allison for neglecting my blogging responsiblities). Wow. Ok, so here is the latest conflict that I just HAD to say something about on my blog. Two Sundays ago, when I was watching the nursery, during the second service a girl name Samantha sang the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" by recent American Idol winner Carrie Underwood in church. I had never heard the song, and barely knew who Carrie Underwood was, but everyone thought she did a fabulous job. (this girl will be singing at my wedding by the way....Samantha not Carrie Underwood). Anyways, the evening after the morning service, the Music Minister (MM) approached Samantha and told her he had researched Carrie Underwood's website and found out that she was on American Idol. He basically told her in a nutshell she'll NEVER sing that song in church again. He said that Carrie Underwood was too "worldly" and that we should want to "bring the world" into the church. Now considering my audience, I am not going to rant and rave about how DUMB and LEGALISTIC and IDIOTIC the MM is on this decision. But I will say that I think issues like this would be alot easier if we all could just looked up to the sky and ask..........Big Buddy!


Blogger JohnnyCaffeine said...

Yea, I was really to lock horns with this music minister if he complained just one ioda about the songs I picked for my wedding. I mean Bobby (the MM) is a nice guy and I am hoping somewhere deep down he thinks he is doing the "godly" thing. But, he's wrong and needs to re-evaluate.

7:38 AM

Blogger JohnnyCaffeine said...

last post really=ready

7:38 AM

Blogger JohnnyCaffeine said...

Mary-We are gonna do Only Hope by Switchfoot as our "fat lady" song. No offense to fat ladies. And we have a few surprises I can't divulge. Also, if you have and suggestions to a "walk down the isle" song...please email Kristi ASAP!!!

10:23 AM

Blogger J. D. C. said...

I once about got into a heated discussion with a guy about David Wilcox (I decided that it wasn't worth it). I said that he was an amazing guitarist and the other guy agreed. I then said that he was one of the most spiritually minded lyricists I had ever heard, and that more christians should be introduced to him. At this point the guy said I was wrong because he heard Wilcox curse in a song, and has songs about relationships. I was so angry that one curse word, and being true to life could blind someone to the amazing truths that he taps into when he writes/sings. I think that the church should be VERY different from the world. However, we should be different in that we are loving and seeking. Because we are kind, and Christ like. Not just because We're in the club and They aren't.

10:25 AM

Blogger JohnnyCaffeine said...

Well, the cool thing is my "bible thumper" charactures at the top of my blog. I love that "go to church or the devil will get you" look coming from Thumper #2. :o

10:35 AM


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