By night a mild mannered pizza boy and college student...but in the morning I AM JOHNNY CAFFIENE.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Johnny Python and the Holy Vase

Ok. So, I went to Destin, FL last night because Kristi needed some vases. But what kind of vases you ask. These were not just ordinary vases. They had to be the "right" vases (or baskets, or buckets, or whatever works). We went to Old Time Pottery, which for all you guys is a huge warehouse full of forementioned decoratives. Kristi had seen a picture of a vase with what looked like Hasta leaves inside them decorated beautifully for our wedding. (These wedding magazines can make anything attractive, even a few leaves in a bucket). So I ask young Knight Bride-a-lot where is the photo of this so we can expedite this search....but picture. She brought a fake leaf that she bought from Pier One and proceeded to galavant around The Swirly Twirly Land of Vases putting the leaf in each one to compare. I felt like either Arthur in The Sword in the Stone or Prince Charming in Cinderella fitting the glass slipper. I was hoping to see a golden chalice with an eerie light beaming down and angels singing the grail's praises sitting on one of the shelves. But to our dismay, the "right" vase was a myth...atleast in Destin. Yesterday was not the best day for me. I took my car into the shop and found out I need internal motor work which may cost me lots of money. I am recieving some money back in taxes that may help cover the cost of the problem. However, it my cause my car to be in the shop for quite a few days. Since I work as a pizza delivery dude, my car is my money maker. I am sure I can find a loaner, but it will probably inconvience someone. Anyways, because my darling Knight Bride-a-lot loves me so and wanted to cheer me up, she took me out to eat at Mellow Mushroom (which must be where Monty Python and the Gang ate before filming). We had a pitcher of Newcastle and decided to to find a movie to sober up at. Before leaving The Shroom I proceed to venture across the Evil "Closed Section" Land, which was just mopped, and busted my ass on The Slippery Floor of Doom. My arm still is in pain this morning. So we went to see Firewall with Harrison Ford, which is a good one by the way and headed home when our BAC went back down to legal limits.


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